Our goal at DREICOR is to serve as a model for safety in construction. It is our corporate belief that investing in an informative training program allows employees to be self-guiding safety individuals. It is a requirement that each DREICOR employee be proactive regarding their safety, the safety of their fellow employees and DREICOR's overall safety program.
DREICOR employs an OSHA Authorized Construction Trainer and has trained client's employees in OSHA 10 and OSHA 30. We ensure training of all personnel in OSHA Construction Safety and require OSHA 30 training for all supervisory employees.
DREICOR is unique. We don't just employ a one-person safety department on a job site; we have a whole team of safety-conscious employees led by a Safety Supervisor on-site and overseen by a Certified Safety Professional.
DREICOR conducts welding internships in partnership with the local high schools and ensures that safety skills are cultivated 'first-hand' under the mentorship of our shop leaders. The training is recognized by the Tennessee Department of Labor and the Tennessee Department of Education.

Safety Meetings
DREICOR conducts mandatory site safety meetings at the beginning of every shift. These meetings help maintain overall safety awareness and make all personnel aware of ongoing work that might impact their safety.
DREICOR conducts weekly safety reviews with company management, field supervision and clients, and shares BBS safety performance data to maintain visibility and transparency.
DREICOR's approach to safety is focused on rewarding safe behavior. Safety meetings are an exchange between supervision and site crews. Periodic luncheons and safety awards are given to recognize safe working conditions.
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DREICOR takes pride in the effectiveness of the BBS safety program and reports on safety performance and data-driven indicators that help focus safety resources.
BBS data are reported in various forms, including bar charts which indicate trends in the unsafe conditions by area or function, and histograms indicating the number of unsafe conditions reported on a monthly and cumulative basis.
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Safety Culture
Reinforcing Safe Behavior
DREICOR's approach to safety focuses on 'positive reinforcement' rather than punishment. By rewarding employees for their observations, and encouraging open communications on safe behavior, employees take ownership of the program and recognize DREICOR's desire to get all employees home safely at the end of the day.
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Continuous Improvement
To DREICOR, the objective of the safety program is to eliminate unsafe conditions and situations that lead to safety incidents. The more the team engages in the safety program, the less likely it will be for unsafe conditions to exist. Safety is a continuous process of training, tracking performance, re-training, and reinforcing good safety behaviors.
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